Create a Summer (Sand) Sustainability Bucket List

Editor’s Note: This post was been updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness on June 23, 2022.

Summer is the perfect time to create a (sand) bucket list of things you want to do during the most fun season of the year. Here are 20 of our favorite ideas for sustainable summer. What would be on your list?

  1. Read a book. Want to read with the Wolfpack? Try a sustainability-related book curated by the NC State University Libraries.

  2. Road trip! No good road trip is done alone, so find carpool buddies. Plus, try these other tips for a sustainable road trip.

  3. Visit a farmers market. Local food is often fresher and helps support local farmers (and your local economy)

  4. Get moving. When the weather is warm and the skies mostly clear, get outside and get moving for a more sustainable you. Need motivation? Try these ideas to move more.

  5. Try a new recipe. These veggie recipes are super easy and even better when made with local produce. Looking for a refreshing take on water? Try these fruit-infused water recipes.

  6. Visit a zoo. The North Carolina Zoo has more than 1,600 animals on 500 acres, creating an animal experience like none other.

  7. Get an ice cream cone. What tastes like summer more than ice cream? Visit Howling Cow Dairy Education Center and Creamery and choose a delicious zero waste treat.

  8. Go on a nature hike.  Visit Lake Raleigh Woods and explore the walking, hiking and bike paths available. the look out for unique wildlife and plants.

  9. Get crafty.  Take a class from the Crafts Center and learn how to create using clay, fibers, glass and more.

  10. Have a picnic in a park. Bring some local food along and enjoy the outdoors.

  11. Host a sustainable cookout. Here are some ideas.

  12. Play flashlight tag. With a solar powered flashlight, of course.

  13. Go camping (and leave no impact on the environment). Sign-up for Wolfpack Bound and Wolf Campus or rent gear on campus to visit a local campground.

  14. Go for a bike ride. Whether it’s mountain biking on trails or hitting the streets, a bike is a great way to get moving this summer. NC State Transportation provides a number of maps online to help you navigate on two wheels.

  15. Plant flowers or a garden. Want to plant just a few items that have the most bang for the buck? Here’s a frugal gardener’s planting list.

  16. Have a local food pizza-making party. Get tips to customize your next pasta, rice, soup or on-th-go snacks from the Sustainability Stewards Cookbook.

  17. Visit the beach. And while you’re there, be sure to be sustainable with these beach trip tips.

  18. Hang your clothes outside to dry. It saves energy and will leave your clothes with a fresh, clean summer scent. Try these sustainable laundry tips.

  19. Express yourself. Visit the Free Expression Tunnel by Wolf Plaza and make your mark! Encourage the Wolfpack to take sustainable action by decorating the tunnel with an inspirational quote or picture.

  20. Start composting. It’s a great way to reduce waste and nourish plants. Learn how to get started.

What will you put on your summer sustainability bucket list?