Choose Your Own (Sustainable and Fun) Adventure

The following post is written by Ashley Gray, Coordinator of Outdoor Adventures in NC State’s University Recreation.

From kid adventures in the backyard to scaling big mountains in the Himalayas, adventure is about stepping outside your comfort zone and into the unknown. It’s the spice that keeps life interesting and you growing as a person.

What we’ve noticed at University Recreation’s Outdoor Adventures is that people who begin to embrace adventure also begin to make decisions that decrease their negative impact on the environment. So, here are our five favorite ways to mix a little sustainable fun adventure into your life.


Travel in any form of transportation EXCEPT a car

Walk, bike, take a bus or take a train — just do anything to get out of that small box we call a car and start to SEE the world as your travel. While life can be hectic and we all must drive sometimes to get from point A to B, you can live out that adventurous spirit by participating in alternative travel at least once a week. When you are not driving a car it is amazing how adventurous the world around you can be! Sustainability bonus: you’ll be reducing your carbon emissions when you’re out from behind the wheel.


Spend an afternoon in one of the many State Parks that are less than an hour away from campus

Falls Lake, Eno River, Umstead and Jordan Lake are all beautiful State Parks right in our backyard with free or nominal admission prices. These parks offer adventurous hiking, biking, canoeing, kayaking and camping (student equipment rental is available).  There’s no better way to become adventurous then to get out and appreciate the great outdoors. Sustainability bonus:  Almost all of these parks have a greenway or bike path, meaning some are accessible by bike from campus.


Take a walk wherever the wind takes you

Start from your front door and travel 30 minutes simply by choosing right, left or straight at any innersection. After the 30 minutes, turn on your phone’s GPS to find out where you are and where you’ve been. Who knows what adventures can be had by simply “getting lost” for a little bit. Sustainability bonus: This adventure is good for you (a little exercise) and your wallet (no gas needed).


Turn it off  

It is a reality of today’s world that at some point you need to be plugged in — to your computer, cell phone or other device. But sometimes doesn’t have to mean all the time. Spend time unplugged from electronics and checked into the world around you. Take anything with a switch and turn it OFF. When all the mild buzzing has subsided and boredom begins to strike, that’s about the time adventure begins. Challenge yourself to come up with active and creative ways to pass the time. Sustainability bonus: Unplugging reduces your electric bill.


Take an Outdoor Adventure Trip

Literally travel to the unknown by coming on an Outdoor Adventures trip. We offer rock climbing, canoeing, sea kayaking, backpacking, mountain biking, skiing, snowboarding and more — can you get more adventurous than that? Our trips cater to all levels of experience (from beginner through advanced). Plus, equipment, food and transportation are included in the cost of most of our trips, cutting down on fuel use and your cost. Sustainability bonus:  All of our trips practice Leave No Trace principles and help educate participants on how to enjoy the woods in a sustainable manner.

Adventure awaits, Wolfpack. Get out in it!