Recent Posts

Students Explore Environmental Justice

During spring break, 10 students and 2 staff advisers toured North Carolina to learn about environmental issues impacting soil, air, water and people.

Sustainability Fund awards $179,000 in campus grants

NC State’s Sustainability Fund awarded $179,000 in grants to 13 sustainability projects that will be implemented on campus by June 2018.

Green Brick Awards Honor Sustainability Achievements

Three members of the NC State community, a student organization and an innovative waste-reducing project were honored with Green Brick Awards from the NC State Sustainability Council on April 20, 2017, for outstanding contributions to sustainability.
two students on top of a roof lift a solar panel up for installation

Students Install Solar To Help Others

Eleven NC State students installed solar energy for low income families in California as part of an Alternative Service Break trip.

Students Donate Leftover Campus Food To People In Need

NC State's student chapter of the Food Recovery Network redistributes leftover food from campus to local nonprofits that address hunger and homelessness.