Bring It, Leave It: Sustainable Packing Advice For On-Campus Living

Students, brace yourself. Fall semester is coming, and the Pack can’t wait to welcome you to campus.   As you’re making your final preparations for move in, consider these ways to save.

Bring it: Energy-saving technology

Start with your computer. If you haven’t purchased one, consider a laptop or EPEAT certified computer, both of which use less energy than a traditional desktop. And try plugging that computer into your own smart power strip, which turns off idled electronics to reduce energy. Lastly, boost your energy savings by bringing a desk lamp outfitted with CFL or LED light bulbs, which use significantly less wattage than traditional incandescent bulbs.

Leave it: Your car

Get to stepping or pedaling by walking or biking around campus. There’s no easier way to keep the infamous freshman 15 at bay. Too much ground to cover? Take the Wolfline. Not only will alternative transit options keep you moving and healthier, but you’ll probably save a lot of money in parking tickets, too (not to mention gas, parking pass, insurance and other car expenses).

Bring it: A plant

You’re only as healthy as the air you breathe, so pack a plant, which will improve your room’s air quality by releasing extra oxygen.  And as you’re selecting laundry detergents or other simple cleaning supplies, opt for natural options that don’t compromise your indoor air quality.

Leave it: One-time, disposable items

Reusable items reduce landfill waste, so bring a reusable water bottle. You’ll stay better hydrated and limit the number of one-time use cups thrown away on campus. University Dining will even provide a 10 cent discount on beverages if you bring your own cup or mug. Other good reusable items include real eating utensils (instead of the plastic, disposable kind), bags (instead of relying on one-time use plastic shopping bags) and a take-out container, which can be purchased from University Dining for a nominal fee. Bring it back the next time and Dining will provide you a clean container in exchange. Stronger than disposables, these containers have saved more than 85,000 Styrofoam containers from being used in NC State dining halls since 2009.

Keep it: Your money

Don’t forget to shop savvy. Why buy new when you could buy secondhand, borrow or rent? As you’re gathering items for the big move in day, think thrifty to save resources and money.

Bring it: This packing list with sustainable items highlighted

Download this one-page resource as your checklist to ensure you have what you need for fall semester.