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A Collage of photos featuring NC State students building solutions for Make-A-Thon

Innovate for Sustainability: Join NC State Make-A-Thon

Experience ideation, innovation and competition firsthand at NC State Make-A-Thon. Register by Jan. 23, 2023 at
Kids pick up trash on the beach

Study: Bilingual Kids Could Lead In Ocean Environmental Action

Participation in environmental education programs can motivate children across diverse language groups to act responsibly toward the environment, a recent study from North Carolina State University researchers suggests.
A small green plant grows out of of a clear, plastic container. The plant is on the left half of the container.

Fungi Could Be the Future of Healthier Plants

Researchers at NC State are studying how mycorrhizal fungi can enhance plant health and could lessen our reliance on non-renewable fertilizers.

Land Grab Universities Events Explore History of Land Grant Universities

On November 10-11, NC State University hosted a series of events exploring the award-winning investigative piece “Land-grab Universities,” the history of land-grant universities and the data journalism tools that made the groundbreaking project possible.