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Alternative Vehicle Showcase to fuel energy awareness

More than a dozen alternative energy vehicles will be on display on Oct. 2.
More than a dozen alternative energy vehicles will be on display on Oct. 2.

Filled your gas tank with nearly $4-a-gallon gas lately?

On Wednesday, Oct. 2, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. come to the NC State University Brickyard to experience an energy alternative. At the Alternative Vehicle Showcase you can browse more than a dozen energy-saving vehicles, ranging from electric cars to innovative bicycles.  Get a taste for various technology innovations that are squeezing more miles out of each tank of gas (if a tank is needed at all).

Sponsored by Staff Senate, the University Sustainability Office and Energy Management, the Alternative Vehicle Showcase aims to accelerate campus awareness of energy and how to save more of it. In addition to energy-saving vehicles, several campus energy and transportation organizations will have resources available to help fuel an energy-saving lifestyle.

Alternative Vehicle Showcase is the hallmark event of NC State’s annual Campus Sustainability Day.