Holiday Giving Can Have a Green Twist

RALEIGH, N.C. — The holidays don’t have to put a crimp in your green lifestyle.

Dennis Johnson loaded up a real Christmas tree at the State Farmers Market in Raleigh, but – with the exception of the tree – he said he tries to keep his holiday environmentally friendly.

“I pretty much do real trees every year. I like the smell of them in the home,” Johnson said.

However, he does do his share of greening.

“I try to conserve, like (with) paper, year after year. Some people throw it away,” Johnson said.

Sustainability experts say it is easy to make your holidays a little greener.

David Dean, North Carolina State University’s outreach coordinator for the Office of Sustainability, says Johnson is on the right track – reusing gift wrapping and supplies.

“If every family in the U.S. would save 2 feet of ribbon, we could tie a bow around the Earth,” Dean said.

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