7 Sustainable Things To Do On Snow Days

If you’re snowed in, you might as well make the best of it. Here are seven sustainability-related, cabin-fever-busting activities:

  1. Enjoy a hot drink from a reusable mug. There’s no better way to start out a snow day than with something warm. Enjoy your favorite tea, coffee or cocoa from your favorite reusable mug.
  2. Learn something. Snow days are perfect for movie watching. Check out the environmental-related documentaries on your favorite online video streaming service.
  3. Get some exercise. Easiest thing to do would be to shovel snow from your driveway or have a snowball fight with friends, but if that’s too cold for your tastes, try these workout-from-home exercises.
  4. Catch up on chores. No one likes to do laundry, but you could give these sustainable tips a try. Just to shake things up.
  5. Turn trash into treasure. DIY projects are the perfect way to kick cabin fever. Try these life hacks for organizing your desk, turn an old t-shirt into a headband, or browse Pinterest for innumerable ways to reuse items.
  6. Clean out your closet. Bet you there are many items in your closest you haven’t worn in forever. Check out these ideas for how to get rid of unwanted clothing without cluttering the landfill. Or get in touch with your fashionista side by re-visioning how to wear some items of clothing (e.g. could your go-to white shirt be dressed up to go to work, dressed down for weekends, or part of a fun outfit for a night out?)
  7. Check for leaks. A cold day is the perfect day to discover why your house is drafty. Can you feel a temperature difference near door and window openings? What about wall outlets? Make a note of the draftiest places and re-insulate them to save energy.

Enjoy your snow day, and don’t eat too many cookies (try our new favorite way to make a salad instead!).