How to Make Your Computer An Energy Miser

With today’s smartphones, tablets, computers and more, we are the most connected generation. These electronic devices take energy to operate, leaving us with plenty of opportunities to make simple changes that could save lots of energy. Try these easy tips to make your computer an energy miser.

You’ve Got The Power

If you’re walking away from your computer for at least 20 minutes, turn off the monitor or allow your computer to go into hibernate or standby mode for energy savings. Know you’re going to be away for more than an hour? Manually put your computer into sleep mode. The good news is that you can automate these power settings so that your computer automatically adjusts to save energy, particularly when it senses inactivity. This helpful resource will guide you through creating those settings based on your computer’s operating system.

Screen Savers Don’t Save

Screen savers are not well-named in regards to energy conservation; they don’t save energy. So if you have one set up and you’re willing to part with it, adjust your computer to sleep or hibernate mode instead.

Computers Need Rest, Too

Before you go to bed, power down your computer to save energy. For some operating systems, this shutdown and fresh start will improve performance so that your computer is as refreshed as you are when you turn it on in the morning. Some companies prefer their employees to leave computers running constantly so that security updates can be applied, so be sure to follow the guidance of your company’s IT staff in regard in business computers. For the majority of personal computers, regular shutdowns can be beneficial in computer performance and energy savings.

Use Smart Power

If you have a printer, scanner or any other computer-related devices, chances are you have these devices plugged into a power strip, which protects your computer from unexpected power surges. To save energy, invest in a smart power strip, which automatically turns off power  to devices that are not in use. It’s great for plugging in printers and other devices you don’t use constantly. Set up the smart power strip once and it takes care of the rest.

Be an Energy Star

Many of today’s computers have Energy Star ratings that consume about 70 percent less electricity than other computers. Over the lifespan of your computer, those energy savings can add up to $200+.

With these easy tips, you can keep connected while saving more energy than ever.