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The NC State belltower stands, surrounded by blooms of spring. Photo by Marc Hall.

April is Earth Month at NC State

April is Earth Month at NC State and features over 50 sustainability-related events.
Student and staff examine solar array on top of Fitts-Woolard Hall wearing PPE

NC State Hosts Energy Week

Discover how NC State shapes a clean energy future during NC State Energy Week Sept. 25-29, 2023.
Collage photos of students at Make-A-Thon event showcasing their innovations and projects.

Waste Solutions are Big Winners at 2023 Make-A-Thon

Students shared their ideas and competed for prizes during the annual NC State Make-A-Thon sustainability challenge.
A Collage of photos featuring NC State students building solutions for Make-A-Thon

Innovate for Sustainability: Join NC State Make-A-Thon

Experience ideation, innovation and competition firsthand at NC State Make-A-Thon. Register by Jan. 23, 2023 at