7 Habits Of Highly Effective Transportation Users

Have you ever been in a rush, only to realize that your gas tank is empty the minute your turn the ignition? Your phone is blowing up with texts and emails that are just going to have to wait, you still haven’t called back your mother and that last-minute cram session before the big exam is now totally out the window. Sound familiar? Not to alternative transportation users. Multitasking is easily accomplished when you’re no longer behind the wheel. Check out these 7 Habits Of Highly Effective Transportation Users.

  1. Catch up while catching the bus. Think you’ve mastered multitasking while driving? Think again. Catching the bus gives you some free time to safely use your phone or computer while someone else does the driving.
  2. Exercise on the way there. Want an easy way to reap the benefits of physical activity? Lace up your walking/running shoes or bust out your bike to get where you need to go.
  3. Take a nap on the way home. After a long day of work, why stress out behind the wheel? Use public transportation and take advantage of traffic instead of fighting it.You can even bring a travel pillow!
  4. Talk on the phone while (someone else is) driving.  1 in 4 car accidents are caused by talking on the phone while driving. The number of accidents caused by talking on the phone while riding in a carpool as your buddy drives: (likely) zero.
  5. Socialize while carpooling with friends. Want time to plan a party for the weekend? Organize a carpool and chat it up while you get where you need to go.
  6. Take a study break on the way to class. Read that last chapter you’ve been putting off, refresh your memory with flashcards, finish that paper due at the end of the week, or just review last week’s material. All of it is possible while riding on a bus, but none of it is possible while driving your car.
  7. Save money while saving the environment.  Not only do alternative transportation users avoid tickets and save gas money, but they also help reduce carbon emissions on a daily basis. In fact, public transportation use in the United States reduces our nation’s carbon emissions by 37 million metric tons annually.