4 Tips for Staying Fit While Saving Money on Campus

How can you save money and improve your health at the same time? Get out of your car when you’re on campus.

We know that alternative commuting can be tough for some people; you might not live near convenient bus routes or coworkers that makes carpools to or from campus an option for you. But as NC State employees or students, we all have to get around campus from time to time, so give walking, biking or riding the Wolfline a try. Here are some inside tips for making this type of campus travel work for you:

  1. Strap on Sustainable Soles – Depending on where you’re going, you might be able to walk to a meeting on campus quicker than it would take to drive and search for parking. But no one wants to walk if your feet hurt, so ditch the uncomfortable shoes and get to stepping. It’s healthier for your heart and gets you closer to the recommended 10,000 steps a day.
  2. Simplify with a Smartphone – Sometimes you need to hoof it to catch the Wolfline bus, and other times you can take your time. The Transloc smartphone app helps you know when to scurry and when you can slow down.
  3. Pack an Umbrella – Nothing will rain on your parade like a spontaneous campus rain shower while you’re walking around campus. Toss a small umbrella in your bag so you’re prepared.
  4. For Alternative Commuters, Sign Up for WolfTrails – Thanks to the Wolftrails program you can get free parking passes to use when you need your own set of wheels on campus.  It’s a great option for those who walk, carpool, bike or take transit to campus most days but need the option to drive to campus every now and then.