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Global Magazine Highlights NC State Sustainability

The fall 2022 issue of the Institute of International Education magazine, IIENetworker, includes an article by NC State staff and faculty on higher education and the global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The article is part of a series about how higher education champions the SDGs. In the article titled “Using Goals to Frame Action: Engagement of the SDGs at North Carolina State University”, NC State details its efforts to connect operations, facilities, instruction, research, co-curricular student activities and high-impact experiences to the global goals. 

Contributors to the article are Jessica Bast (University Sustainability Office), Seth Murray and Christopher Galik (College of Humanities and Social Sciences) and David Hawley (formerly of the Office of Global Engagement).

The full article can be found online at This is the second time NC State’s SDG efforts have been highlighted this year. The United Nations Chronicle published a similar article in March 2022.