July GreenTree Winner Announced
By: David Dean, University Sustainability Office
The Esprit de Coeur group of Pathways, in conjunction with the University Sustainability Office, is pleased to announce that Stephanie Pomeroy is the July recipient of the GreenTree Initiative.
Stephanie serves as the Chair for the Sustainability Committee of Student Health Services. She has been instrumental in helping the department to generate 75% less trash than just a year ago. The effort has lead the pharmacy to identify other ways they can help conserve and reuse and to that end they are committed to going paperless within the next 5 years. To read more about her work, please visit: www.ncsu.edu/sustainability/greentree
The GreenTree Initiative is a quarterly award open to faculty, staff or students of North Carolina State University. Nominations are accepted year-round via the Sustainability Office web site: www.ncsu.edu/sustainability
The GreenTree recognizes green efforts on campus that keep the idea of sustainability alive and well through small cost-saving, energy-smart and budget-friendly steps.
The quarterly award winners are recognized once a year on Earth Day with a ceremonial tree planting in their honor somewhere on the NC State campus. The winners also receive a profile on the Sustainability Office web site, a ‘swag bag’ of gifts and a plaque with their names will be posted somewhere on campus.
Please join us in thanking Stephanie for her continued dedication to helping make NC State a more sustainable place.
If you know someone who deserves to be recognized, please do not hesitate to nominate them for the October award.
Congratulations, Stephanie!
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