7 Ways to Visit Gas Stations Less

Does anyone actually like going to the gas pump and watching the dollars and cents climb higher and higher as you fill up your vehicle’s fuel tank? Yeah, that’s what we thought. No one likes doing that. So we did some research to see if there’s anything a driver can do to salvage more miles out of a tank of gas. Here are the top tips we found to save gas:

Check your tire pressure

Cold temperatures can cause PSI to decrease, and under-inflated tires are one of the biggest causes of MPG decline. Keep your tires pumped to optimal pressure to increase fuel efficiency by 3 percent.

Slow down

Fuel economy drops as you speed past 60 mph, which gives you more reason to observe any 55 mph speed limits. See the actual efficiency drops in these tested vehicles at higher speeds.

Go easy on the pedal

Quick accelerations waste gas, so aim for more moderate acceleration to increase efficiency by 22 percent in the city and 5 percent on the highway.

Clean out your car

If possible, don’t use your car as a storage locker. For every extra 100 pounds you tote around, you lose up to 2 percent in fuel efficiency.

Make sure your car is properly maintained

Aligning tires and changing spark plugs and air filters are standard, periodic maintenance that can improve gas mileage.

Don’t idle

A car sitting still is getting 0 miles per gallon. You don’t want to wear out your engine starter by turning your car off and on in traffic or at stoplights, but if you know that you’ll be sitting still for a few minutes or more, consider turning off your car.

Warming Up

While it may take a while for you to warm up in colder temperatures, modern vehicles can be driven within seconds of being started. Just be careful not to overstress the engine until it’s operating at normal temperatures.

Try these tips and enjoy less trips to the gas pump.