How to Make Your Wolfpack Tailgate Even Better

What’s a fall Saturday in North Carolina without football? And what’s football without a tailgate? As you make your tailgate plans, check out these tips for organizing and enjoying a less wasteful, more sustainable Wolfpack tailgate.

Carpool to the game. Do you really want to be stuck in pre- and post-game traffic? That’s what we thought. So don’t drive; ride with a friend or family member instead. You’ll save gas, parking costs, reduce congestion and air pollution around Carter-Finley Stadium.

Ditch disposables. While plastic or foam plates, cups and utensils may be convenient, they could take hundreds of years to decompose. Instead of buying new disposables each game, buy some (red!) reusable plates, cups and utensils at the beginning of the season. Pack them up at the end of the game and toss them in the dishwasher when you get home. Then, you’re all ready for the next home game. Bonus: If you buy any food in the stadium, you can compost leftover food, paper plates, pizza boxes and other paper-based material in convenient composting bins on the concourse.

Take pride in NC. Buy some of your tailgating munchies from local sources. North Carolina produce and other products are going to taste fresher, and your purchases will help strengthen our local economy.

Pick propane. If you’re grilling, propane is the cleanest burning fuel (meaning better air quality for you) and also the easiest to manage for on-site grilling.

Recycle. The WE Recycle program makes it easy. Volunteers cruise the tailgating lots in the hours before the game to hand out clear bags for your recyclables (or obtain a bag from one of 100 bag dispensers located throughout the tailgating lots). At the end of your tailgate, tie the clear bag and place it on the ground to be picked up by the recycling collection crew after the game.

See you at Carter-Finley soon. Go Pack!