The Libraries’ dry-erase marker recycling program is catching on

Big changes begin with small actions—like dropping a single dry-erase marker into a recycling bin instead of a trash can.

In April 2023, the Libraries debuted its dry-erase marker recycling program, placing a special bin by the Ask Us desk at both the Hill and Hunt Libraries into which students can place their spent markers, as well as used pens, pencils, and highlighters. The response from Libraries users has been strong, and the program is getting some campus attention.

Throughout the summer and fall semesters, hundreds of markers were put in the bin. Libraries staff checks each one to ensure that it’s no longer usable. Now  six months into the program, 535 used markers have been recycled. Considering that the Libraries provides about 12,000 markers a year, that’s a remarkable program debut.

Since the Libraries Safety & Sustainability Committee began the recycling program, other campus groups have heard about it and have expressed interest in starting their own programs. On-campus locations such as METRC, as well as school teachers from the wider community want to recycle dry-erase markers, too.

“It is highly gratifying that other campus units have shown interest in launching comparable recycling programs,” says Katelan Haynes, Support Services Associate and Libraries Safety and Sustainability Committee member. “This shows that the success and impact of the Libraries’ sustainability initiative goes much farther than just our buildings. There is a commitment across the university to becoming more sustainable and the adoption of programs like this one reflects the shared efforts to create a more eco-friendly campus.”

Help us keep this momentum going. Put that dried-out marker in our special recycling bins—and tell your friends!

This post was originally published in NC State University Libraries.