Quick and Easy Ways to Walk More Every Day

Are you looking to improve your overall fitness? Think about adding a few more steps to your day.  Some of the many benefits of regular walking include maintaining a healthy weight, improving your balance and coordination, increasing bone strength, and managing/preventing type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease.

Here are some quick and easy ways to walk more every day.

1. Take the scenic route.

Tired of seeing the same old thing? Mix up your regular walking routes.  It might take longer, but the more you walk, the greater the health benefits.

2. Park a little farther from the store.

It might be tempting to park close by on a rainy day (ok any day, even if it’s not raining), but every little step counts. Park at the end of the line and enjoy your extra steps to and from the store.

3. Take the stairs.

Not only is this free workout a great way of lowering bad cholesterol levels, but saying no to the elevator also helps reduce energy consumption.

4. Walk while you wait.

Instead of texting on your phone, take a walk around the building while you wait for your appointment.

5. Walk to the store.

Help reduce air pollution by leaving your car at home. Walking to the store will also encourage you to make a smaller purchase since you will only want to carry home the necessities.

6. Take public transportation.

Walking to and from the bus stop is an easy way to add steps to your day.  Get off a stop or two early and burn even more calories.

7. Bathroom break.

Take advantage of nature’s calling and pick a bathroom that’s a little further away.

8. Hide the remote.

Make a choice to get off that couch every time you change the channel.

9. Walk and talk.

When on the phone, take a stroll or do some errands around the house. Even better, invite your friends on a walk so you can catch up while you’re both working out.

The farther, faster and more frequently you walk, the greater the health benefits. Would you like to keep track of how many steps you take? Think about getting a pedometer, which not only counts your steps, but can help motivate you by calculating the amount of calories burned.

Can you think of more ways to add steps to your day?