Turn Your Old T-Shirt into a DIY Headband

What do you do with old t-shirts (you know, that stack of t-shirts that you hardly ever wear)? Instead of letting them sit idly by (or worse yet throwing them out) why not turn them into something useful? Here are quick and easy instructions to turn unworn t-shirts into a fabulous fashion hair accessory. Go ahead and grab a t-shirt and scissors; then you’re ready to create a new product from something old. Talk about sustainable.

Step 1:

Lay the t-shirt flat and cut the hem off of the bottom of the shirt.


Step 2:

Cut three strips of the shirt approximately 1 inch wide.  You can use a wider strip for a thicker headband.


Step 3:

Stretch the 3 strips until they curl.


Step 4:

Cut the three strips so you have three very long strands of equal length.


Step 5:

Gather the strands together and tie a tight knot about 1.5 in away from the top.


Step 6:

Start a traditional three-piece braid.  Continue to braid depending on the size of the headband you would like.


Step 7:

Once you are done braiding, tie a knot at the end.  Leave about 1.5 inches of excess fabric.

Step 8:

Tie the two loose ends together and adjust as needed to fit your head.


Get creative: For a matching bracelet or anklet, follow the same instructions but braid a shorter length. 
