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A portrait photograph of Nathan Crook taken in front of shelves with lab equipment.

Tiny Organisms, Transformative Outcomes

Nathan Crook, assistant professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering, is discovering how Earth’s simplest life forms might unlock solutions to complex problems like antibiotic-resistant infections, plastic pollution and climate change.
Collage depicting a hand holding a train extending toward a cityscape.

Will We Build Cities for Humans or Machines?

In October 2023, JoAnna Klein interviewed research ecologist Adam Terando along with drone aficionado Evan Arnold and public transportation systems researcher Kai Monast about the future of transportation. As climate changes and advanced technology accelerates, they explored a unique opportunity to rethink how people, goods and ideas move around the world.
Plant Sciences Building CALS lab space bright white tables windows with bike in background

New Sustainable Labs Program Launched

The new Sustainable Labs program empowers NC State researchers and lab users to adopt sustainable practices in campus lab spaces.