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Leading Sustainable Change

Three graduating students in the NC State Stewards program leave behind a legacy of sustainability impact.

Coordinated by the University Sustainability Office, the NC State Stewards work to foster a more sustainable campus, community and world by encouraging individuals to adopt more sustainable practices. 

Meet this year’s graduating seniors:

Martina Gonzalez Bertello

Martina is graduating with a degree in Environmental Technology and Management and double-minoring in Toxicology and Renewable Energy Assessment. Martina served as the Stewards’ Student Coordinator managing the growth and development of the 34 peer educators. Martina joined the NC State Stewards in 2018, and her passion in sustainability began to grow. She is part of an energy group, which creates and implements campus projects involving renewable energy. The group also oversees water-related projects, such as a shower timer pilot program in Bragaw Residence Hall. She is vice president of the Student Energy Club, which started in early 2019 as the NC State Energy Collaborative was looking for students to lead a broadly-focused, student-led energy club. This year, Martina focused on the role of women in energy leadership in academia, corporate sector and government. She helped create a panel discussion event that featured a diverse group of leaders with expertise in energy education, technology and policy to help students learn about the challenges faced by the energy system today.

Next step: Martina will pursue a Masters of Environmental Engineering at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. 

Elisabeth Holthusen

Elisabeth is graduating with a degree in Environmental Science including a focal area in Public Health and a minor in Nonprofit Studies, International Studies, Global Health, and Biological Sciences. As a Steward, Elisabeth focused her efforts on how public health intersects with sustainability and created programming to address the overlap. To Elisabeth, sustainability is an ongoing process that is built on the foundation of inclusive cooperation and works to maintain our planet and communities. She was an important member of the Stewards’ environmental justice and equity team that created the sustainability-focused voting guide for the 2020 general elections. Elisabeth was also a key collaborator behind the overwhelming success of the Stewards’ Environmental Justice Symposium this spring.

Next Step: Elisabeth will begin working full-time for The Arc of the Triangle as an Autism Support Professional. 

Rosemary Edberg

Rosemary Edberg is a fifth-year student studying Textile Engineering in the Accelerated Bachelor’s/Master’s program. She joined the NC State Stewards in the fall of 2016 and has worked in waste reduction and composting committees. She has organized composting education workshops, implemented composting pilot programs into various Living and Learning Villages, and led various waste reduction events. Outside of NC State Stewards, Rosemary has been involved in the Wilson College of Textiles Sustainability Committee, Greater Good Textile Group, the Krispy Kreme Challenge, and Phi Psi Professional Textiles Fraternity. 

Next steps: Rosemary will be joining Nike as a Textile Developer.

Congratulations to these graduating NC State Stewards. They have personified the Think and Do spirit during their time on campus.