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Campus Environmental Sustainability Team Planning for the Future

Environmental Sustainability Team Planning

In August 2009, the Campus Environmental Sustainability Team (CEST) became an official Administrative Advisory Council of NC State. CEST’s structure allows participation, through one of several working groups, by anyone on campus in the decision-making process. Jack Colby, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Facilities Operations and Dr. William Winner, professor in College of Natural Resources, serve as co-chairs.

The Provost and Vice Chancellor for Finance and Business charged CEST with creating a 5-year Sustainability Strategic Plan and two supporting documents; the 40-year Climate Action Plan and a 5-year Strategic Energy Management Plan. Throughout 2010, CEST held an open strategic planning process, resulting in Foundation for Advancing Sustainability; A Strategic Plan for NC State University.

Currently, the CEST working groups are creating 5-year tactics to achieve the ultimate goal of a culture of sustainability at NC State. To get involved, go here: