Furniture Diverted from Landfill
By: David Dean, University Sustainability Office, Outreach Coordinator
University Housing handed the Materials Support department a tall order this summer: surplus six buildings worth of dorm room furniture. A normal academic year averages several floors of surplus furniture but, as we all know, this was no ordinary year. Planning started in August 2008 for the bidding and move out process. Complicating things even more was the fact that due to construction demands the rooms had to be emptied within five weeks after the end of classes. In years past all of this furniture would have ended up in the landfill. However, due to proper planning by Jim Hansen, Assistant Director of Materials, and Barry Olson, Associate Director of Housing, the team was able to divert 538,000 pounds of furniture. Only 15 desks had to be carted to the landfill.
Jim Hansen said, “In the past we would have thrown 95% of this furniture load into the landfill. Instead, this year, with the proper
coordination, we flipped that number on its head and were able to provide people in need with some good furniture.”
He continued by explaining that the majority of the furniture picked up was by local shelters and non-profit groups who were excited to use the pieces in their facilities.
Here are the diverted numbers:
– 538,000 total pds. of furniture
– 93,000 cubic feet of furniture
– 5400 pieces (beds, chest of drawers, desks, book carols)
– Equivalent of 23 tractor trailer loads
– 18 different organizations took possession
– Thousands of labor hours saved
Landfill numbers:
– 15 desks
- Categories: