Dream Job: Town Sustainability Coordinator

Looking for a career that integrates sustainability? This new series spotlights NC State alumni who are making a difference in sustainability. 

Megan Pendell, a 2017 graduate of NC State majoring in Environmental Sciences (minor in Applied Ecology), shares about her jump from campus to a sustainability-related career.

How is sustainability part of your current work?

I am grateful to have earned my dream job! In July 2020 I began my role as the Sustainability Coordinator for the Town of Apex. My team includes a Sustainability Analyst, and we are working to build the newly-founded Sustainability Program from the ground up. In our first year, we are striving toward three main goals: Creating the Apex Sustainability Action Plan (ASAP), creating a baseline municipal Greenhouse Gas Inventory, and planning creative community outreach efforts. I am proud that Apex commits to 100% Clean Energy by 2050 for town operations.

How did NC State prepare you for a sustainability-related career?

The NC State Environmental Sciences (ES) program was a vital line in preparing me for my sustainability career. The ES program carves out course hours for students to deem a Focal Area in any interest, which wisely recognizes the systemic influence of environment in most all areas of study (a mirror of sustainability, as well). I had the freedom to choose a Focal Area of my own creation: Climate Change and Water Resources. In addition to taking relevant courses, I chose to study abroad in tandem with my Focal Area. Studying abroad in South Africa was a pivotal point in my college career path and became a direct influence in why I chose to join the Climate Reality Project (CRP) back on campus. The experience I gained through leading the Grassroots Program within CRP greatly contributed to my foundational experience in sustainability leadership, which in turn built up my resume for a career in government as a Sustainability Coordinator.

What message do you have for current NC State students hoping to integrate sustainability into their career?

A wild truth lives in the words of Jane Goodall, ā€œYou cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference and you have to decide what kind of a difference you want to make.ā€ In the sustainability realm, we talk a lot about whatā€™s called the triple bottom line, or 3 Ps: People, Profit, Planet. Sustainability is a system and works within systemic structures, encompassing the Venn diagram of social, economic and environmental. In essence, everything you do has a flow point to sustainability. Dare to lead in your life path and identify the flow points back to the heart, to sustainability, to Natureā€™s rule (I implore you to go nerd out about Biomimicry!). The best education is awaiting you outside the classroom; study abroad, network with professors, peers, and community members, and volunteer to earn hands-on experience in diverse arenas. A moment, a person, an experience, a connection (however small) could very well be the pivot point in your path. Be open, flexible and curious about change. Often, we maneuver a path that is different than expected. And that is exciting! Sustainability is a Wolfpack mentality; we are all deciding our footprint. Meditate on this: What kind of impact do you choose?