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Earth Month 2019: Call For Events

The University Sustainability Office invites the campus community to submit events for inclusion in NC State’s Earth Month (April 1 – 30). Earth Month is a month-long series of programs that educate the campus community about sustainability. The purpose of Earth Month is to:

  • Introduce the campus community to sustainability efforts
  • Increase awareness and understanding of sustainability
  • Create opportunities for collaboration, engagement and activities that further sustainability
  • Encourage event attendees to examine their role in improving sustainability

Submit An Event

Events will be considered that occur in April 2019 and intersect with one or more sustainability areas:

  • Environmental themes such as clean air, clean water and sanitation, land, nature, ecosystems, waste reduction and recycling/composting, responsible consumption, climate, food systems, energy and transportation
  • Social themes such as health and wellbeing, environmental justice, poverty, food and housing insecurity
  • Economic themes such as affordable and equitable access to natural resources, sustainable cities and communities, sustainable innovations and businesses that value social impact