Campus readies for holiday energy savings


As campus winds down for winter holiday, energy saving efforts are ramping up as final preparations are made for the annualĀ Winter Holiday Energy-Saving Initiative.

During winter holiday when most of campus is closed, NC State saves energy and money by lowering temperatures in most campus buildings and turning off lights and unnecessary electronics.Ā Last year the university saved $288,590 in energy costs during winter holiday, and toĀ date this initiative has saved taxpayers of North Carolina nearly $2.5 million.

Though the university is open on Monday, Dec. 22 and Tuesday, Dec. 23, the 2014 Winter Holiday Energy-Saving Initiative will be in effect from 5 p.m. Friday, Dec. 19, until Thursday, Jan. 1. This more aggressive scheduling will allow the university to reap savings from four additional days of reduced energy use, helping keep utility spending within budget.

To reduce energy and water consumption, faculty, staff and students are asked to do the following before leaving for winter holiday:

  • Turn off all lights
  • Shutdown electronics/appliances and unplug power cords from the outlets (computers, faxes, printers, coffee makers, mini-refrigerators, etc.).
  • Close laboratory fume hood sashes and power down nonessential lab equipment.
  • Close windows and shut interior and exterior doors. Report windows and doors that are left open or unable to be closed to the Customer Service Center at 515 2991.
  • Secure water sources that may fail and cause flooding.

Buildings that remain in use over winter break will be exempt from temperature reductions (see list of exempt building requests), but building occupants are asked to follow energy-saving guidelines. Temperatures in all campus buildings will be restored to normal operating temperatures by the time the university reopens on Jan. 2.