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Think Outside the Brick

The Sustainability Commission of Student Government at North Carolina State University is now accepting applications for their annual Think Outside the Brick Competition.

The Think Outside the Brick competition is an opportunity for NCSU students to obtain funding in order to complete an environmental and sustainable project around campus. This competition has funded projects like the Solar Pavilion in the Honors Village, the SOUL Garden on Centennial Campus, and the instillation of timer lights in Bagwell and Becton dorms. From the applications, finalists are chosen whose projects are most sustainable, efficient and environmentally responsible.

These finalists will present their project to the voting committee and three winners will be announced; one overall winner will receive $1000 and two runner-ups will receive $500 to start the implementation process of their ideas.

Requirements of the competition are as follows:

  • Complete the application
  • The project budget must be possible on either $1000 or $500 (Additional funding may be secured after results become apparent)
  • The project is open to current Undergraduate and Graduate students of NC State
  • No competition candidate can act as a paid agent of any organization intending to profit from the competition


For more information including contact emails for questions, visit the NC State Sustainability website.

If you have any questions, please contact any of the below: