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Exocise Your Recycling Demons!

Costume Contest PosterIs your recycling bin in need of an exorcism?  Give it a good cleansing by entering the Recycled Costume Contest on Campus Sustainability Day.The contest features two wicked categories:  Best Overall and Most Recycled.Prizes include tickets to local concerts, a grab bag of goodies and other treats, but no tricks!  Votes will be cast by applause, so get creative and wow the crowd!

The contest will take place Friday, October 28 on Harris Field as part of the Fall Fun Festival that kicks off Thriller Weekend and UAB’s 60th Anniversary.  In addition to the costume contest, the festival will feature a DJ, Eco-games, prizes and free food to the first 500 attendees.  Make sure to bring a reusable water bottle as the Blue Green Machine will be dispensing H2O to all revelers – even the zombies.

No need to spend money on a costume; just recycle!  Everyone can participate and win prizes!

For more information on Campus Sustainability Day, go here: