Opportunity To Attend Power Shift 2009

My name is Lindsey Milem, I am the new Greenpeace campus coordinator for NC State. I really want to inform your organization about an upcoming event that I believe all of you would be really excited about!

I am working on a campaign to help fight against global warming and our upcoming event is Powershift 2009, it’s held in Washington DC February 27th- March 2nd. Here is the website about it…
10,000 young people will get together and take action on one of the most important issues of our generation: climate change. We want to show the new Obama administration that this is a very important issue and something needs to be done. By attending Powershift, you will gain valuable learning skills through training sessions about organizing, media work, direct action, educational information about coal and such… and much more. Not to mention there will be well-known speakers and activists from all over!

Also, on the morning of March 2nd (monday) there will be a huge take action day ralley (a large lobby day). Then early that afternoon there is a capital climate action where everyone will get together at the capital power plant. The website more about this is http://capitalclimateaction.org/

This is such a great opportunity and I really wanted to let you guys know about how awesome this will be. I want everyone interested to come so if you know anyone else who might like this, please invite them. This will be a really fun chance to make a difference!

-Lindsey Milem
NC State Greenpeace Campus Coordinator