Health Center Staff Reduces Waste

By: Deb White, Student Health Services

The staff at Student Health Services and the Counseling Center has a history of being good stewards of our resources, but several proactive staff have encouraged us to do more.  Last year following a dynamic presentation by our own Kathy Shea, MD, on the environmental impact that our lifestyle is having on our world, we decided to form a sustainability committee.  As part of our intensified efforts to recycle we analyzed our breakroom waste and decided to take a giant step – eliminate paper goods, plastic utensils and cups.  Patients, as well as medical staff who remain in the building during their “on-call” breaks and lunch, have traditionally been provided these items, which totaled 47 cases a year, all ending up in the trash.  We estimate saving about $2,500 and eliminating about 40 boxes of trash.  Other efforts already underway include 100% cardboard recycling, improved paper recycling, turning lights off in unoccupied rooms, and turning off computers nightly.