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NC State sustainability fund offers $30,000 in grants


If you have an idea that would make NC State leaner, smarter, stronger and more sustainable, the newly-created Sustainability Fund is accepting project proposals for up to $30,000 in grant funding for campus sustainability projects.

Through March 17, NC State students, faculty and staff can submit proposals for projects that focus on education, outreach, infrastructure or other components of sustainability that will enhance campus and student learning. Priority will be given to projects with matching funds from other public or private sources and projects that involve students. Funding decisions will be finalized by May 1 and projects that receive funding must be completed by June 30, 2015.

The Sustainability Fund is managed by a student-led board and is funded by the $1.50 per semester sustainability fee that NC State students began paying in fall 2013.  Learn more and apply by March 17 at