Energy Performance Contracts

NC State utilizes energy performance contracting (EPC) to upgrade facilities and systems, avoid operational expenses and reduce emissions. The university currently has three EPCs and is taking ownership of a fourth EPC at the end of 2018. The four EPCs represent an investment of $98 million and a projected annual utility cost avoidance of $8.2 million. Each EPC is fully funded through energy savings generated by improved efficiency.

Cogeneration on Central and North Campus

Installation: 2012
Investment: $56.1 million
Contract Duration: 17 years

In 2012, this project replaced aging boilers in both the Cates and Yarbrough Central Utility Plants with new high efficiency boilers and a cogeneration system. The cogeneration system, which is also called combined heat and power, utilizes natural gas to produce 11 megawatts of electricity while the waste heat from the process produces steam. Utility savings are realized due to a reduction in the total cost of electricity and steam production through increased efficiency. In addition, the new system reduced the campus greenhouse gas emissions by 8% (approximately 33,000 EMTCO2).


Installation: 2012
Investment: $19.7 million
Contract Duration: 19 years

The 13 Building EPC encompasses the following buildings: Cox Hall, Poe Hall, Tompkins Hall, Caldwell Hall, Winston Hall, College of Textiles, McKimmon Center, Monteith Research Center, Research I, Dabney Hall, Carmichael Gym, Constructed Facilities Lab and MRC Parking Garage. The EPC included renovations and operational changes with the HVAC systems and fume hood controls, lighting upgrades, water reduction strategies and a solar hot water system in Carmichael Gym. The utility savings for fiscal year 2018 were $1.7 million.

Phytotron Building

Installation: 2014
Investment: $6.2 million
Contract Duration: 15 years

Constructed in 1968, the Phytotron Building performs plant, animal and insect research by simulating environments from desert heat and drought to Alpine cold and jungle humidity. The Phytoron EPC addressed HVAC and lighting upgrades, as well as a connection to the central chilled water loop and research equipment improvements. Energy savings in Phytotron were in excess of $500,000 in fiscal year 2018.

Centennial Campus Cogeneration

Installation: 2018
Investment: $17 million
Contract Duration: 18 years

The Centennial Cogeneration EPC removed a boiler in the Centennial Central Utility Plant and installed a high efficiency cogeneration system. The cogeneration system utilizes natural gas and steam to produce 6.5 megawatts of electricity and the waste heat from the process produces steam. Utility savings are realized due to a reduction in the total cost of electricity and steam production through increased efficiency. The new system is projected to also reduce the campus greenhouse gas emissions by about 4% (approximately 16,000 EMTCO2).