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Indigenous Peoples Day

NC State community:

Please take a moment to view a message that celebrates Indigenous Peoples Day, and announces that the university now has a community-driven land acknowledgment, bolstering our recognition of Indigenous peoples.

Developed in partnership between the NC State American Indian Advisory Council and the NC State Native American Student Association, and first introduced by the NC State Student Government, the acknowledgment honors North Carolina’s eight federally and state-recognized tribes and the origins of the lands on which we live, learn and work.

All three university self-governing bodies — the student, faculty and staff senates — passed resolutions advocating for a land acknowledgment, reflecting the support shared across our community. Consistent with the university’s mission and reinforced by our strategic plan, NC State remains committed to providing support, resources and programs that increase opportunities for belonging for our Indigenous students, staff, faculty and community members.

Click here to read more about the land acknowledgment and NC State’s programs and organizations dedicated to Indigenous communities.

Thank you,

Sheri L. Schwab
Chief Diversity Officer and Vice Provost for Institutional Equity and Diversity

This post was originally published in NC State News.