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Local Partnership Offers Sustainability Workshop For Faculty

This post has been updated with a new event date. The workshop was originally scheduled for January 2017 but was cancelled due to snow.

notesRALEIGH, N.C. — As an interdisciplinary concept, sustainability is applicable to a wide variety of academic fields, and an upcoming local workshop will make it easier for faculty to integrate sustainability into courses they teach.

NC State, Duke University and the North Carolina School of Math and Science are co-sponsoring an all-day Trillium Workshop on Sustainability Across the Curriculum for faculty, instructors and teachers, as well as students and staff who have teaching responsibilities.

The May 16 workshop on Duke’s campus aims to increase the prevalence of sustainability in academic courses by providing an overview of all aspects of sustainability and guidance on how to incorporate sustainability topics into new and existing courses. The workshop also builds a community of faculty interested in sustainability.

This event combines NC State’s Sustainability in Teaching and Practice Academy, which was first held in 2015, and Duke’s Trillium workshop, which is in its eighth year, into a larger regional workshop that increases collaboration opportunities.  Registration is free and required by April 21.

As part of the partnership, NC State will host the workshop in 2018.